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Research Expedition to the Bering Sea - TN250
Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson
June 17 - July 14, 2010

Updated:   July 12, 2010

      Plots and results from the Summer 2010 Bering Sea Ecosystems cruise are shown here.  This Summer expedition is funded through the BEST-BSIERP program in conjunction with NOAA's NPCREP* program, and jointly funded by NSF and NPRB.  This R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise carries scientists from a multiple of disciplines, measuring ocean conditions and food web productivity on the eastern Bering Sea shelf. These fit into the larger directive of this multi-year project addressing the study and inter-relationship of climate, oceanography, fisheries biology, marine mammals, seabirds, and local and traditional knowledge.
      Four scientists from the EcoFOCI project are out on the ship. We are handling hydrography, water sampling, nutrients and O2 analysis. The cruise left from Dutch Harbor, Alaska in the Aleutian Islands on June 17th.
Contour plots from CTD cross sections [scroll, then click for larger plot]
Top plots are temperature (left), salinity (right)
SL (St. Lawrence) CTD Line in the Bering Sea

MN CTD Line between Nunivak Island and St.Matthew Island in the Bering Sea

NP CTD Line between Nunivak and St. Paul Islands in the Bering Sea

p14n CTD Line in the Bering Sea

SB (Shelf Break) CTD Line in the Bering Sea

UAP CTD Line in the Bering Sea

W CTD Line inshore of the 70-m isobath and north of Nunivak Island in the Bering Sea

CN CTD cross-shelf line located far south in the SE Bering Sea Shelf

CNN CTD cross-shelf line in the SE Bering Sea Shelf

Water samples from 5-meters depth were taken from the underway seawater sampling system and analyzed to obtain these along-track data. Plots shown below:  temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, and nitrate concentration. [scroll, then click for full size]
Along-track near-surface water temperature, eastern Bering Sea shelf, June-July, 2010

Along-track near-surface salinity, eastern Bering Sea shelf, June-July, 2010

Along-track near-surface chlorophyll, eastern Bering Sea shelf, June-July, 2010

Along-track near-surface NO3, eastern Bering Sea shelf, June-July, 2010

NSF - National Science Foundation
NPRB - North Pacific Research Board
BEST - Bering Ecosystem Study
BSIERP - Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPCREP - North Pacific Climate Regimes and Ecosystem Productivity

    EcoFOCI Project Office
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, Washington 98115
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