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Development of TAPS-8
Real-Time Biological Data from a Mooring:
Zooplankton Abundance

Closed-loop bench test of complete system.
Closed-loop bench test of complete system.
The EcoFOCI team has developed and deployed a mooring system for acoustic zooplankton monitoring using the TAPS-8 (Tracor Acoustic Profiling System). The system incorporates real-time data transmission and reporting capabilities via satellite and iridium satellite modem. This system seasonally (April-September) sends daily data from the southeastern Bering Seashelf to our laboratory, including temperature, salinity, pressure, and fluorometer data.

The TAPS-8
The TAPS-8 testing, performed at NOAA/PMEL in September 2005, was designed and setup as a closed, real time system. The TAPS-8 unit was deployed on a sub-surface mooring (see photo sequence below), with transmission of TAPS data via acoustic modem on the sub-surface buoy to a surface-mounted modem. The modem data were then transmitted through Iridium satellite communication to the PMEL Laboratory.

The TAPS-8 real-time data relay system was deployed on a Bering Sea sub-surface mooring April - September 2006 and 2007.

Subsurface mooring on deck
Test deployment of the TAPS-8 mooring
 Satellite test ouput, Hex, 28-Sep-2005 14:38 PST

 Satellite test ouput, Hex, 28-Sep-2005 14:44 PST

    EcoFOCI Project Office
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, Washington 98115
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