Emily Lemagie is a scientist at NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) studying ocean dynamics and the impacts on marine ecosystems in the North Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea, and U.S. Arctic. She is a PI for the EcoFOCI program leading studies of the dynamic relationships among climate, fisheries, and the marine environment. Projects range from local to regional and large scale and leverage a combination of satellite, autonomous platform, and ship-based observing approaches as well as high-resolution model output. Key research priorities include:
characterizing the ocean circulation, physical state, and dynamics that impact living marine resources in Alaskan coastal waters
identifying and understanding physical and biological linkages in marine environments on immediate to climatic timescales
exploring the variability in ocean currents, temperature, and salinity patterns in response to changes in environmental conditions and forcing
creating new tools and leveraging existing technologies for observations from autonomous platforms and repeat shipboard surveys
A complete publication list can be found on Google Scholar.
Undergraduate students can learn more about gaining work experience with our lab on the Undergraduate Opportunities page and can find opportunities through the Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean and Ecosystem Studies at the University of Washington.
To discuss research opportunities for graduate students and postdocs with our group, please contact Dr. Lemagie directly by email.
Dr. Emily Lemagie
Research Physical Scientist
Staff Affiliation: